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游戏类型:枪战射击发布时间:2023-03-13 23:27:31




When the world is threatened by a malevolent darkness a brave warrior rises, fearless and ready to run into the thick of battle. His confidence is steeled by his mystical ability to transform at-will into noble creatures including a rampaging rhino, capable of spearing enemies on his horn, a mighty eagle that can soar over deadly hazards, and a fearsome dragon able to vanquish all who stand in it's path. As he runs, the warrior breathes new life into the world and puts new stars in the sky. Knowing when to transform between shapes - man, bird, and beast - is key to success in this action-packed endless runner. Totem Runner’s unique looks are matched by its compelling gameplay and immersive story. Take up the challenge and become the warrior within. FANTASTIC ACTIONTransform into beasts, dragons and back to a warrior as you charge through the world defeating evil! AMAZING WORLDSThe unique ‘silhouette’ style, haunting music and awesome animation immerses you into the mystical world of Totem Runner. AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEYRun, fly and rampage through five chapters of compelling gameplay. CHALLENGES ABOUNDBecome a Sorcerer, the Lord of Stars, or even the Great Shadow by completing in-game challenges. 当世界被一个恶毒的黑暗勇敢的武士上升,无所畏惧,并准备碰上枪林弹雨的战争威胁。他的信心是由小到大,由变换意志狂暴犀牛,能够叉敌人对他的喇叭,一个强大的鹰上空翱翔致命的危害,并能征服所有谁站在一个可怕的龙成高贵的生物,包括他的神秘能力它的路径。 他跑,战士走向世界注入了新的生命,并提出新的恒星在天空中。知道什么时候之间变换形状 - 男人,鸟,兽 - 在这个动感十足的无尽的亚军成功的关键。 图腾亚军的独特的外观相匹配其引人注目的玩法和身临其境的故事。挑战成为勇士之内。 大千行动变换成野兽,龙回一个战士收取通过世界战胜邪恶! AMAZING世界独特的“剪影”的风格,令人难忘的音乐真棒动画沉浸到图腾的神秘世界亚军。 一个令人难以置信的旅程运行,飞行,通过极富魅力的游戏五章横冲直撞。 挑战比比皆是成为巫师,主星,甚至通过完成游戏挑战大阴影。


系统要求:android更新时间:2023-03-13 23:27:31



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