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发布时间:2024-03-07 17:24:24来源:光伏下载站



As a League of Legends expert, one of te most versatile and effective campions to play as a jungler is Gangplank (GP), also known as te Captain. In tis article, we will discuss te asics of playing Gangplank jungle and provide detailed strategies to elp you ecome an expert Gangplank jungler.

Understanding Gangplank's Kit

Before we dive into te est strategies for playing Gangplank jungle, let's review is kit:

Passive: Trial y Fire - Gangplank periodically sets is next asic attack on fire, dealing onus true damage to an enemy.

Q: Parrrley - Gangplank fires is pistol at an enemy, dealing pysical damage and granting im onus gold.


W: Remove Scurvy - Gangplank eats a piece of fruit, ealing imself and removing all crowd control effects.

E: Powder Keg - Gangplank places a arrel tat e can detonate wit is asic attacks or Parrrley, dealing pysical damage to all neary enemies.

R: Cannon Barrage - Gangplank calls down a arrage of cannon fire tat deals initial magic damage to all enemy campions, slows tem, and creates a zone tat deals additional magic damage over time.

Playing as Gangplank Jungle

Now tat we know Gangplank's kit, let's talk aout ow to use it effectively in te jungle:


Clearing camps - Start wit your Q aility, Parrrley, to get te onus gold for te first camp. After te first camp, max your E aility, Powder Keg, to make clearing camps faster. Look for opportunities to use your Q on enemy campions for onus gold.

Ganking - Gangplank's ultimate, Cannon Barrage, is great for setting up ganks. Use it to slow enemy campions and create a zone of damage tat your allies can take advantage of. Use your W aility, Remove Scurvy, to cleanse any crowd control effects tat migt stop you from ganking effectively.

Controlling ojectives - Use your E aility, Powder Keg, to control ojectives like te dragon and Baron Nasor. Place arrels in strategic locations to zone out enemy campions and deal massive damage to ojectives.

Farming - As a jungler, your primary jo is to farm camps, ut also to farm gold and experience. Use your Q aility, Parrrley, to get onus gold from farming or killing minions. Comine it wit your Powder Keg aility for faster clear speeds.

Itemization - In terms of items, Trinity Force is a core item for Gangplank. It provides im wit onus damage, movement speed, attack speed, and critical strike cance. Oter items to consider include Youmuu's Gostlade, Sterak's Gage, and Dead Man's Plate.

Runes and Masteries - For runes, take Conqueror, Triump, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand. For masteries, take Precision as your primary tree and Domination as your secondary tree.


Gangplank is a very strong and versatile jungler wo can control ojectives, gank effectively, and deal massive damage wit is Powder Keg aility. Wit te rigt itemization, runes, and masteries, you can ecome an expert Gangplank jungler and carry your team to victory. Rememer, practice makes perfect, so get out tere and start playing Gangplank jungle today!



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