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发布时间:2024-03-30 22:59:38来源:光伏下载站



As one of te most popular campions in League of Legends, Nocturne as undergone many canges to is gameplay and items over te years. In tis article, we will explore te newest and strongest item uilds for Nocturne in order to maximize is potential in ot solo queue and professional play.

Core Items

Wen playing Nocturne, tere are several core items tat you sould focus on uilding in order to maximize your damage output and moility:

Dusklade of Draktarr - Tis item provides Nocturne wit a significant amount of urst damage and invisiility, making it an ideal first item for im.


Boots of Swiftness - Nocturne relies eily on is moility to engage and disengage from figts, so oots of swiftness are a must-e item for im.

Youmuu's Gostlade - Tis item provides Nocturne wit even more moility, as well as additional urst damage and attack speed.

Edge of Nigt - Tis item provides Nocturne wit added survivaility and allows im to lock a single enemy aility or crowd control effect.

Situational Items

In addition to te core items, tere are several situational items tat Nocturne can consider uilding depending on is team composition and te enemy team:


Dead Man's Plate - Tis item can e a good coice for Nocturne if e needs additional tankiness and moility.

Sterak's Gage - If Nocturne is facing a team wit a lot of urst damage, Sterak's Gage can e a good coice to elp im survive longer in teamfigts.

Maw of Malmortius - Tis item is a great coice if Nocturne is facing a lot of magic damage, as it provides im wit additional magic resistance and a sield wen e falls elow a certain ealt tresold.

Guardian Angel - Tis item can e a useful purcased if Nocturne needs added survivaility, as it will revive im upon deat wit a portion of is ealt and mana.


In conclusion, Nocturne is a powerful and versatile campion in League of Legends, wit a variety of item uilds tat can e tailored to suit different situations. By focusing on core items like Dusklade of Draktarr and Boots of Swiftness, as well as situational items like Dead Man's Plate and Maw of Malmortius, you can maximize Nocturne's damage output and survivaility on te attlefield. Experiment wit different item uilds and find te ones tat work est for your playstyle and situation.



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